The timeline for seeing results after a pest control treatment can vary depending on several factors, including the type of pest, the severity of the infestation, and the specific treatment method used. In many cases, you’ll notice a significant reduction in pest activity within 24 to 48 hours of our initial treatment.

For more persistent issues, such as bed bugs or termites, it may take a few weeks to see complete results.

Either way, we follow up after our initial treatment to assess the results and make necessary adjustments.

Good question, and this is a good sign.

While it might sound counterproductive, it’s good that more pests appear after pest control. Do you know why? This means that the pests are coming into contact with the treatment. 

Pests like ants and cockroaches, in particular, are notorious for hiding in nooks and corners all over your home. Their increased presence right after treatment doesn’t mean increased activity. Instead, the treatment is working, and the pests are about to be eliminated. Soon enough, all those hidden nasty little creatures will disappear and never return with regular treatment.

For some clients with specific needs or in areas with high pest pressure, we might recommend more frequent treatments, such as bi-monthly or monthly services. On the other hand, properties with minimal pest activity might only require bi-annual or annual maintenance visits. However, we recommend a quarterly service plan for most residential and commercial properties.

During our initial consultation, we’ll assess your property and discuss your pest control history to determine the optimal service frequency for your situation. 

Rest assured that we won’t make recommendations that aren’t best suited for you.

Proper preparation can significantly enhance the effectiveness of our pest control treatments. Before our visit, we recommend taking the following steps: 

  1. Remove items from floors and countertops to allow our technicians easy access to all areas. 
  2. Vacuum carpets and mop hard floors to remove any loose pest debris.
  3. Put away all exposed food items and pet food. 
  4. Let us know about any specific pest activity or sensitive areas in your home. 
  5. Stay away from the treated areas for the recommended time (we’ll provide specific instructions). 
  6. Make arrangements to keep pets away from treated areas. 
  7. Don’t forget to give us proper access to all areas of your property, including basements, attics, and crawl spaces.

At Peace of Mind Pest Control, we’re equipped to handle various pest issues common to residential and commercial properties. Our expertise covers everything from insects to rodents, arachnids, wildlife, and wood-destroying organisms like termites and other kinds of wood-boring insects. But, don’t hesitate to call us even if you’re dealing with a pest not listed here. There’s a chance that we have experience handling that particular pest as well. 

Here at Peace of Mind Pest Control, we’re always ready to tackle unique pest challenges and find practical solutions tailored to the real-life situations that our clients encounter.